LHC Machine Committee (LMC #422)

LHC Machine Committee (LMC #422)
Indico iCal
Topics and contributions
Approval of the Minutes from the 421st Meeting and Matters Arising ( Mike Lamont )
An Update on the Wake Field Suppressor of the LHCb VELO ( Freek Sanders, Freek Sanders, Paula Collins )
Status of Powering Tests, including Training ( Andrea Apollonio, Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci )
Main TE-VSC activities in LS2 and their Impact on LHC Run 3 (first part) ( Chiara Pasquino )
Main TE-VSC activities in LS2 and their Impact on LHC Run 3 (second part) ( Rodrigo Ferreira )
AOB: Update on quench estimates for the remaining sectors, and "flat top quenches” ( Arjan Verweij )
AOB: Upcoming EN-EL Works: Replacement of Transformers SU4+SU8 and Others ( Mario Parodi )
# Status Action Responsible(s)
Scheduled topics
Topic Speaker(s)