The LHC Machine Committee is the executive committee concerned with all technical and performance aspects of the LHC machine.
It has the mandate to:
- Closely monitor all activities on installed equipment and infrastructure in the LHC during operation with beam, hardware commissioning, machine checkout, technical stops and shutdowns. When necessary, in consultation with the equipment and infrastructure groups, decide on measures to ensure seamless operation.
- Define and maintain the operational parameters of the LHC machine.
- Examine and endorse the priorities for consolidation of the LHC equipment, controls and infrastructure.
- Evaluate and optimise the performance of the operating LHC machine.
- Discuss, prioritise and endorse proposals for LHC machine development studies.
- Ensure that the beam parameters and performance are compatible with the program of the LHC experiments.
- Define clear goals and objectives for the injector complex in terms of requested LHC beam parameters.
- Examine and endorse changes to the operational machine as part of the HL-LHC project.
To assist in this, a number of study groups, working groups and panels will report directly to the LMC.