Actions list
Assignees Action title Status Open Close ID
LBOC Following the recommendation of the Edge-Welded Bellows Task Force, ensure that the stroke of all LHC equipment is reduced to the minimum necessary. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #500) 198
TE-MPE Provide BE-OP with a complete picture of the various versions of QPS cards installed for the 2025 run, including their location, and follow agreed procedures for future modifications. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #500) 197
TE-MPE Document the recent QPS system changes in a dedicated ARR. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #499) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #500) 194
LBOC Prepare options and procedures for mitigating a failure of the first D1 module and report back to the LMC in due time. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #499) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #501) 196
BE-OP, TE-MPE, MP3 Validate the recent QPS system changes during the 2025 HWC campaign. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #499) 195
ATS groups Check which sectors will be baked out during the EYETS 2024-25 and ensure that there is no impact on their equipment in these regions. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #498) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #499) 193
TE-MPE Report back on the recent QPS events in due time. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #498) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #499) 192
SY-EPC Report back on the anomalies suspected on the circuit for RQ5.LR3. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #497) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #498) 190
BE-OP Report back the final 2025 schedule and the updated 2026 draft. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #497) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #499) 189
BE-ABP Report back in due time about the flat optics segment of the LHC 2025-26 configuration. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #497) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #499) 191
LPC Report in due time on the potential of an intermediate solution between Scenario B and C, taking into account an 11 weeks YETS and the effect on the cooldown time for the p-Pb run. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #496) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #499) 188
SY-EPC, TE-CRG Report back on the investigation about the correlation between the SVC re-activation and the cryo problem in Point 8. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #494) 187
ATS groups Provide input on Radiation Resistant Cable requirements to EN-EL by 14 October. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #493) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #494) 186
SY-ABT Report back to the LMC on the consolidation proposal for the AC dipole and the possibilities for its upgrade for the HL-era. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #492) 184
BE-OP Prepare a plan for an optimal use of the machine time if the repair of the compressor in Point 6 has to be performed sooner than currently scheduled. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #492) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #493) 185
EN-EL Clarify the AUG specification procedure and stakeholder involvement for areas involving experiments. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #491) 183
LBOC Track down the root causes of the observed lifetime improvement during the cycle before Stable Beams. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #490) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #501) 182
SY-BI, HSE-RP Investigate the possibility to install additional instrumentation to identify the source of muons for the FASER and SND background. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #487) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #489) 179
EN-MME, TE-VSC Report back on the warm module x-rays performed during TS1. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #487) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #488) 180
EN-EL, TE-VSC, TE-CRG Investigate a redundant solution to ensure the availability of the pumping of the insulation vacuum of the Point 5 triplet. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #487) 181
LBOC, BE-ABP, SY-STI Study mitigation strategies to reduce FASER and SND background. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #487) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #501) 178
BE-OP, SY-BI Commission blindable BLMs in the injection region (Point 2 and /оr 8). LHC Machine Committee (LMC #486) 176
LBOC, MPP Evaluate if a minimum set of validation checks is required after the polarity changes of LHCb spectrometers. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #486) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #501) 175
Task force on the Edge Welded Bellows Report to the Committee the present status of the investigation. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #486) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #500) 177
BE-OP Explore the possibility to verify SPS transverse bunch oscillation before extraction to the LHC. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #484) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #485) 174
LBOC, MPP Depending on the 2024 operational experience with the TDIS temperature interlock, define a strategy for the TDIS opening throughout the operational cycle to maximize the bellow lifetime, with input from SY-STI and IWG. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #483) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #484) 173
LS3C Follow-up on the return of experience of the YETS 2023-24 and items remaining from YETS 2022-23. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #482) 172
LMC Chairs, ATS management Decide on the cryogenic configuration for the 2024 ion run. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #481) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #493) 171
LBOC Report back on the final choice of the initial collision beta* for the 2024 pp run. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #481) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #483) 170
ATS Safety Meeting Follow-up on SR buildings access constraints and co-activities during HWC. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #480) 169
SY-ABT, TE-VSC Report back on the final solution for operating the vacuum interlock of the MKIs in 2024. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #479) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #481) 168
TE-VSC, EN-ACE Add the ZDCs constraints to the bake-out procedures and to scheduling planning. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #479) 166
IWG, BE-ABP Report back on limits for MDs in 2024, after the input from LSWG is received. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #479) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #485) 165
TREX, LS3C Propose a strategy for an optimal information flow to coordinate machine and experiment activities during the long shutdowns and end of year stops. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #479) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #483) 167
LMC Define a strategy for increasing bunch intensity in 2024. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #478) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #479) 164
LMC Define a global strategy for increasing the beam and bunch intensity in 2024 and investigate the possibility of running with degraded vacuum conditions due to an RF finger issue. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #477) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #479) 163
TE dept Put in place a structure to review the RF finger issues involving all the stakeholders. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #477) 162
LMC Chairs Consider a global coordination of information and issues related to bellows in the LHC machine. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #477) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #480) 161
TE-VSC, LHCb VeLo team Document and provide training to the relevant teams about the sequence of actions to be taken for the different failure scenarios of the VeLo vacuum system. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #476) 160
BE-OP GL, Energy coordinator Report on the cost and constraint to schedule the LHC YETS 2024-25 start two weeks before End-Of-Year Closure. LHC Machine Committee (LMC #476) LHC Machine Committee (LMC #481) 159