LHC Machine Committee (LMC #423)

LHC Machine Committee (LMC #423)
Indico iCal
Topics and contributions
Approval of the Minutes from the 422nd Meeting and Matters Arising ( Mike Lamont )
MoEDAL-MAPP in UA83: follow-up ( Francois Butin )
TE-MPE report on LS2 activities ( Felix Rodriguez Mateos )
Installation and alignment of the new central beampipe in ALICE ( Corrado Gargiulo )
Status of Powering Tests, including Training ( Andrea Apollonio, Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci )
AOB: Update on BLM tests with TIM ( Belen Maria Salvachua Ferrando, Christos Zamantzas )
# Status Action Responsible(s)
Scheduled topics
Topic Speaker(s)